協會簡介 IMDHA Intro
The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association is a Referral Service dedicated to providing the community with excellently trained Certified Hypnotherapists. IMDHA Practitioners work harmoniously with allied healthcare professionals to aid individuals in dealing with specific challenges and procedures.
The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association® is the largest Hypnosis organization focusing on Hypnosis and Healthcare.
Founded in 1986, IMDHA promotes greater acceptance of hypnosis as a complementary protocol with broad applications. Today, IMDHA offers workshops, certification, and networking opportunities that can enhance both one’s professional and personal life.
IMDHA is unique among Hypnosis organizations. Our members are required to graduate from an approved school of hypnotherapy, completing our minimum educational requirements, and earning 30 continuing hours each year to maintain membership. The members cross a broad rage of occupations and professions. They include and are not limited to: psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, doctors, nurses, dentists as well as teachers, addictions counselors, priests, ministers and a vast variety of therapists.
As an interdisciplinary organization, IMDHA provides an opportunity to learn from and interact with colleagues in diverse holistic healthcare disciplines. This allows for a cross fertilization of ideas and applications that meshes neatly with current trends, such as mind-body-spirit health and integrative medicine.
協會目的 Course Characteristics
Our objective is to help create a sense of peace and harmony within the individual so that the current challenge can be met and dealt with in a positive manner, thus making the journey toward wellness and peace of mind less traumatic.
Our goal is to reduce the stress the individual is experiencing as a hospital patient and/or surgical patient, etc. Less stress allows the body to focus attention on its natural course of healing. The method to be used is hypnosis.
In addition to medical challenges all IMDHA members assist persons in dealing effectively with non-medical problems. Finding solutions to self-sabotaging habits leads to peace of mind and control of unwanted, negative behavior. Self Empowerment is the goal.
The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association: Dedicated to Healing: Body, Mind and Spirit.
課程內容 Course Content
適合對象 Course Audience
(必須)已完成不少於 120小時的催眠學習或實習經驗 (e.g. 本中心 NGH 課程) ;
課程安排 Course Arrangement
學制課時:100小時 (約 70小時導師面授 + 約 30小時實習)
沒有任何催眠證書者,課程費用:$25,800 (上課時數為220小時,150小時面授)
於本中心美國註冊催眠治療師課程(NGH, ABH) 畢業之學員 $15,800
HPHI Education: 259-20-628112-8
![]() The National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming (United States of America) |
![]() The International Board Of Neuro Linguistic Programming (United Kingdom) |